Languages of the Republic of Macedonia

Languages of Macedonia
Official language(s) Macedonian
Regional language(s) Albanian, Turkish, Aromanian, Serbian, Romani
Main foreign language(s) English, Russian, French, German

The official and most widespread language in the Republic of Macedonia is Macedonian. The languages of Macedonia correspond with the various ethnic groups.

Official data

According to the last census, 1,344,815 Macedonian citizens declared that speak Macedonian, 507,989 citizens spoke Albanian, 71,757 citizens spoke Turkish, 38,528 citizens spoke Roma, 6,884 citizens spoke Aromanian, 24,773 citizens spoke Serbian, 8.560 citizens spoke Bosnian and 19,241 citizens spoke on other languages[1].

Some minority languages are co-official in the municipalities (opštini) where they are spoken by at least 20% of the municipal population. Therefore, Albanian is co-official in Tetovo, Brvenica, Vrapčište and other municipalities. Turkish is co-official in Centar Župa and Plasnica. Romani in Šuto Orizari and Aromanian in Kruševo. Serbian is also co-official in Čučer-Sandevo.[2]

Many people speak a foreign language. Most of the older population has knowledge of Serbo-Croatian and French or German. Russian is also well-known. Among the younger population, English is extremely common, along with knowledge of Serbo-Croatian and some German.
